• IHOP (map)
  • 5403 Stevens Creek Boulevard
  • Santa Clara, CA, 95051
  • United States

We know you've missed your gliding friends over the holidays, so come join us at the first meeting of the new year! We will discuss various topics important to the club, have some dinner, and catch up with one another. As usual, the meeting is open to the general public.

Meeting Notes

Glider Status

  • 1CH is back on the line at HSC; the trailer will be driven down week of 2/5. The rear battery is dead. Peter R. says the battery should be 5 years old at this point and recommends replacing it.
  • 5KM is at Magnum for the annual
  • 6DS is at Magnum for the annual; play in the vertical stabilizer will be checked
  • 4D Harry still working on the paperwork, will now transfer the on-going efforts to register to Steve B.

Ship Captains: please report any issues for the gliders currently undergoing annual, so we can have it checked


Safety procedures and recommendations for not damaging gliders are reviewed; some points to be noted are as follows:

  • Stay on centerline on landing and do not attempt to make turns; as part of the landing procedure, the PIC should exit the glider after a safe landing, and pull the glider off the runway, then announce on the radio that the runway is clear.
  • When the glider is under ground tow, the PIC is responsible to tell the golf cart driver what to do and not to do, in order to safely get the glider to the launch point

HSC Rates

HSC, in the spirit of encouraging advanced ratings and general flying, will now implement the following facilitated rates for BASA and other local club members:

  • Student rates will be applied for all members working on Commercial and/or CFIG ratings
  • For currency flights, XC rates will be applied to the total tow feet for a day flight, as long as such total is above 3,000 ft

BASA Meeting Venue

The day and venue for BASA monthly meeting has been changed to the following:

  • Last Saturday of each month at 6:30 PM
  • The Grove by Leal Vineyards, located at 7511 Pacheco Pass Hwy, Hollister, CA 95023
  • This is based both on finding a more jovial and modern local, better quality of food, and last but not least, to encourage members to come out and fly during the day, and then hang around for some good food, drink, and company.
  • Gianni will confirm the next meeting by email


Gianni will research value of expired parachutes for selling them on eBay; Harry to provide details for the chutes.


This month we have:

  • 1 application for membership
  • 1 member has resigned
    • Noy Anisman

Note: The bylaws state that new members will be admitted with the consent and approval of the sponsor members. Therefore, sponsor members have 30 days to object; otherwise, membership status will be automatically confirmed.

Sponsor Membership(s) for sale

Lisa Corsetti - lisaflygirl@gmail.com

BASA has 6 sponsor memberships available for sale.

(to purchase a sponsor membership, please contact these individual(s) directly, and once a price is negotiated, the transaction is done through the BASA Treasurer, Harry Fox)